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Rafflecopter Winners!!

I have GOOD new and NOT-SO-GOOD news this morning! Since it’s Monday, lets go with the GOOD New first!

My Rafflecopter giveaway ended at midnight. 

Winners HAVE been chosen!

Here is the winner list!

  • Mary Sue Russell (Claimed)
  • Mary Anne Meyne (Claimed)
  • Patricia Wong
  • Mallory Dorman
  • Felicia Thomas (Claimed)
  • Vickie Griffin Carter
  • Nancy Saubert Luebke
  • Mary Ann Cloud (Claimed)
  • Robin Weiss
  • Karen Giasson
  • Denise Fackler Van Plew

If you are on this list, please contact me via email

Now the NOT-SO-GOOD news….

I’m out of town all week at a writers’ retreat so I can’t mail any of prizes until NEXT week!

I know. I know. Not fair!! But it is what it is.

So CONGRATULATIONS!! to the winners!!

THANK YOU to everyone who entered, who bought Texas Lullaby and who reviewed it! I VERY MUCH appreciate you!

WINNER and Newsletter

Yesterday, I gave away a personalized Texas Lullaby kitchen towel. My winner is kaisquared4. Congratulations Mary! Contact me either via email or on Facebook to claim your prize.

This morning, I sent out a newsletter with THREE CONTESTS in it! Did you get it? If not, you may not be one of my subscribers. (Gasps) Click on the picture before and sign up TODAY! I usually give away SOMETHING with newsletter releases.


TexasLullabyHoltis still ON SALE but only until July 10!

Dig through your sofa, the bottom of your purse, your coat pockets and scrape together a mire $0.99!

AND then click on one of the links below and get YOUR copy before the sale is done.


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How about ANOTHER GIVEAWAY today?

Why, yes. Thank you!

How to enter:

SHARE this post on either FACEBOOK or TWITTER or both!

Come back here and TELL ME in the comments that you did it. That’s it!
D'alba cooler

What can you win?  A D’Alba Kooler!

In fact, I’ll give away TWO of them!! One in orange and one in white!

Now! Go forth and share! 🙂

Thank you for coming by. Have a great day!

Where Did the Idea For Texas Lullaby Come From?

Holt 4 One question that authors get ALL the time is “Where do you get your ideas?” The easy answer is everywhere, and really, that’s the truth. I read newspapers, internet stories, gossip sites, television and movies. But sometimes, something so special happens in your life that the event leaves you gasping, or smiling or crying. The event behind TEXAS LULLABY did all these.

On my husband’s side of the family, we have a nephew, Jason (for privacy sake, I’m using fake names.) Jason has lived an interesting life. He spent a few years in the U,S. Coast Guard, newspaper editor (for a number of newspapers) and is now an English Teacher. When he reached his forties, I just assumed he’d never marry. He’d dated a lot of women. Had been with one woman for years, but no marriage. Then one day he met a new woman, Lydia. Lydia was also in her forties. She’d never been married but due to a “special situation,” she had raised her sister’s children. At their ages, neither of them (as far as I know) had any intention of starting a family. Jason fell in love and the next thing I knew, they were getting married. I was surprised but very thrilled for me. (For some reason, I missed the wedding. Hubby went but I don’t remember why I couldn’t.)

Fast forward two years. Jason and Lydia are in a restaurant celebrating their second wedding anniversary. The police find them and tell them that Lydia’s niece and her husband have been arrested. There is no one to take the couple’s three children (ages about 4 (a set of twin daughters) and a younger daughter of about 2.) Needless to say, Jason and Lydia ran to get the kids.

Unfortunately, Lydia’s niece and her husband (the girls’ parents) have serious drug problems. There are continuing arrests and jail for both. Jason and Lydia keep the girls. Jason works from home and takes care of the children. He starts a newspaper blog so he can be full time caregiver.

Needless to say, the girls are traumatized. They are not in good health. Teeth are in terrible shape. But their mother is their mother and they missed her. Lots of emotional trauma and tears.

Fast forward to 2017. The girls have been with Jason and Lydia for about five years. This year, the girls were formally adopted by Jason and Lydia and they are the most wonderful parents! I wish I could show the “before Jason and Lydia” and the “now” pictures but I won’t expose them to any more publicity. But “Jason” and “Lydia” are on Facebook and I’ve seen the girls take Karate, Fencing lessons(!), on fabulous vacations, in cute little girl bedrooms, new clothes and smiles that would simply break your heart open. I am so proud of Jason and Lydia for stepping up and taking on young children neither of them had every thought of having.

Jason… Oh My Goodness! What a fabulous Dad he has become. I never saw this in him but he is in his element being Dad to these girls. I laugh at so many of his posts about learning to be a dad!

It wasn’t easy. There was tears and sadness, but they have come out the other side. I have so proud of this family.

TEXAS LULLABY is truly the book of my heart. I cried while writing it. I kept asking Jason questions about those early days, and the girls, and him. He was great to help me.

Recently TEXAS LULLABY was award the HOLT MEDALLION for Best Short Contemporary for 2016! And I want everyone to read it!

Until July 10, TEXAS LULLABY is ON SALE for ONLY $0.99! That’s right. Less than a buck! It’s a $4.00 savings! Help me get this book into the hands of readers!

Share this post.
Buy the book.
Enter the contest!

Wait! Did I forget to mention the contest? Click the link below and enter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you don’t have TEXAS LULLABY, Grab It Before It Goes Back Up To $4.99! Make sure the price if $0.99! If not, please LET ME KNOW!

Thank you for reading. Have a great day!

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Newsletter Announcement!

I’ve taken back over doing my own newsletter. Yes, yes, I know. Control freak! But I do enjoy the work!

I have a new newsletter coming out in twenty-four hours! You won’t want to miss it.

If you’ve been a newsletter subscriber in the past, you probably are still on the rolls. If you haven’t, then now is the time to jump in!

Head over to and sign up today!

There might be an announcement about these…


Catch my news!