Blog Archives

Rafflecopter Ending SOON


Did ya know I’ve got a Rafflecopter running for only FIVE more days?  Yep.
Click HERE to enter.

PLUS only TWO people claimed their prizes from last week!


That means either I put those prized back into my closet or add them to the Rafflccopter. Decisions. Decisions. Closet? Or give to someone else?

In the meantime, don’t miss the chance to pick up TEXAS LULLABY for ONLY $0.99! That will be ending VERY soon. How can you NOT take advantage of a $4.00 Savings!


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WINNER and Newsletter

Yesterday, I gave away a personalized Texas Lullaby kitchen towel. My winner is kaisquared4. Congratulations Mary! Contact me either via email or on Facebook to claim your prize.

This morning, I sent out a newsletter with THREE CONTESTS in it! Did you get it? If not, you may not be one of my subscribers. (Gasps) Click on the picture before and sign up TODAY! I usually give away SOMETHING with newsletter releases.


TexasLullabyHoltis still ON SALE but only until July 10!

Dig through your sofa, the bottom of your purse, your coat pockets and scrape together a mire $0.99!

AND then click on one of the links below and get YOUR copy before the sale is done.


AmazonBarnes and NoblesiBooks Icon








How about ANOTHER GIVEAWAY today?

Why, yes. Thank you!

How to enter:

SHARE this post on either FACEBOOK or TWITTER or both!

Come back here and TELL ME in the comments that you did it. That’s it!
D'alba cooler

What can you win?  A D’Alba Kooler!

In fact, I’ll give away TWO of them!! One in orange and one in white!

Now! Go forth and share! 🙂

Thank you for coming by. Have a great day!